PHONE SUPPORT (888) 234-5299
sign up for online traffic school

How it Works

Three easy steps and you're on your way!

Traffic School Registration
Easily SIGN UP using our secure credit card processing.
Take the DMW Licensed Traffic School Course
Quickly read & complete
our DMV licensed course.
Traffic School Completion
And spend more time doing this.

New Student Registration

REGISTER for using the button located at the top right of every page. Simply give us information on your State, Court, and Jurisdiction where you received your ticket. After, fill out our straightforward registration form. A secure payment can be made with a credit card, debit card, check/money order, PayPal, or you can choose the Start Now Pay Later option. To protect you from fraud and theft, your personal information cannot be shared. For assistance during this process, call us toll free at (888) 234-5299.

Our Course

For your convenience, our California online traffic school is always available to you so that you may work at your own pace. This means you can login and logout as many times as you need to complete the course. NOTE: You must have a minimum passing grade of 70% on the final exam to receive your certificate.

When You Pass the Final

Your certificate will be processed by our staff and sent directly to the DMV. If you have a last-minute due date, select our Same Day Processing or Express Service option which are available for all California courts. If you have any questions, call us toll free at (888) 234-5299.

Quick Points
  • Fast, Fun, & Easy!
  • 24/7/365 Site Access
  • No Hidden Fees
  • Phone Support & Chat
  • DMV Licensed & Bonded
  • Take the test as many times as needed
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee!
  • SIGN UP & Pay Online now with a Credit Card, PayPal, or use our very popular Start Now Pay Later option
  • Same Day Processing!